Introduction to Labeling Tools

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■ To use the latest version, visit the Mech-Mind Download Center to download it.

■ If you're unsure about the version of the product you are using, please contact Mech-Mind Technical Support for assistance.

Text Recognition Tool

The Text Recognition Tool can be used to define the text recognition range and automatically generate the recognition result.

text recognition tool
  1. Click tools introduction text recognition icon (or press G on the keyboard).

  2. Long press the left mouse button in the selection region and move the cursor to draw a rectangle. Release the mouse button to confirm the selection.

  3. The automatically recognized characters will be displayed right under the selection frame. If the recognition result is correct, click OK to confirm it; otherwise, please correct the result first and then click the OK button.

If Unconfirmed is displayed right under the selection frame, click the frame and then confirm the recognition result.

ROI Tool

You can use the ROI Tool to set the region of interest.

Setting the ROI can avoid interferences from the background.

tools introduction roi1
  1. Click tools introduction roi icon (or press O on the keyboard).

  2. Adjust the ROI frame in the selection region.

  3. Click Apply in the upper left corner of the selection region.

Select Tool

You can use the Select Tool to select, move, and adjust the selections.

  1. Click tools introduction select icon (or press S on the keyboard).

  2. Move the cursor in the selection region and then click the selection to be processed. Select multiple selections by pressing and holding the Ctrl key.

Adjust size

tools introduction select1


tools introduction select2


tools introduction select3

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