HALCON: Obtain Textured Point Cloud

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This topic introduces how to obtain the textured point cloud in Windows using the HALCON sample programs provided by Mech-Mind.

Data Types

This sample program obtains the data in the Range and Intensity channels. The data in these channels are described below.

  • Range: a 2D image containing the X, Y and Z values of points. This channel cannot be disabled.

  • Intensity: The color or monochrome 2D image used to texture the point cloud.

The pixels of the images in the two channels are perfectly aligned and can be used to generate textured point cloud directly.

If you need to set capture regions (Width, Height, OffsetX and OffsetY parameters) for the images in the two channels, make sure that the parameter values are identical. Otherwise, the pixels of the two images will not be aligned, and the images cannot be used to generate textured point cloud directly.

Obtain Textured Point Cloud

Please follow these steps to obtain the textured point cloud:

  1. Download the obtain_textured_point_cloud sample program: select Code  Download ZIP.

  2. Open the sample program in HDevelop: Open HDevelop, and drag the sample program into HDevelop.

  3. Select the line containing the info_framegrabber operator in Program Windows, and click step over in the toolbar or press the F6 key to run this line.

  4. In the Control Variables area, double-click DeviceInfos to display a list of all the available cameras.

    camera information 1
  5. In the list, double-click the camera that you want to connect, and copy the camera name after unique_name: or user_name:.

    camera information 3
    user_name is the custom camera name. You can customize the camera name in Mech-Eye Viewer.
  6. Locate the following line, and replace MechEye with the copied unique_name or user_name.

    DeviceInfo := 'MechEye'
  7. When the point cloud is displayed in the Canvas window, please click the orange Continue button in this window to continue the program execution.

  8. The textured point cloud is stored in the ObjectModel3D variable.

For DEEP (V4) and LSR (V4) series, the 2D image (texture) is obtained for texturing the point cloud by default. If you want to use the 2D image (depth source) instead, please locate the following line and activate (uncomment) it.

set_framegrabber_param (AcqHandle, 'SourceSelector', 'Monochrome')

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