Create a Feature

After you import the part model and associate a Mech-Vision measurement solution for the part, you need to create a feature. The most commonly used features are circles and slots. This document describes how to create a circle feature and a slot feature. You can determine the type and quantity of features to create as needed based on this document.

  • You can review the drawings of the part to determine the type and quantity of features to create.

  • After you create a feature, if the you do not configure it, a red exclamation mark will appear next to the feature in the resource tree. This mark indicates that you have not configured nominal values for the feature, associated a Mech-Vision project for the feature, or the associated Mech-Vision project has not been opened in Mech-Vision. Once the nominal values are configured and the Mech-Vision project is associated and opened, the red exclamation mark will automatically disappear. For more information, see Configure Nominal Values for the Feature and Associate Mech-Vision Measurement Project for the Feature.

Create a Circle Feature

Please follow the steps below to create a circle feature:

  1. On the Feature tab of the Configuration interface in Mech-Metrics, click Circle.

  2. In the Configuration interface, a feature named Circle01 will appear in the Features section under the left-side Part01 tab.

    • The first created circle feature is named Circle01 by default. You can modify the feature name using one of the following methods as needed:

      • Modify the name in the left-side resource tree:

        • Right-click Circle01, select Rename, and then enter the new feature name.

        • Click Circle01, press F2, and then enter the new feature name.

      • Modify the name in the right-side parameter panel:

        • Click Circle01, and in the Name text field of the parameter panel on the right, enter the new feature name.

    • To delete the created Circle01 feature, use one of the following methods:

      • Right-click Circle01 and select Delete.

      • Click Circle01 and press Del.

Create a Slot Feature

Follow the steps below to create a slot feature:

  1. In the Configuration interface of Mech-Metrics, under the Feature tab, click Slot.

  2. In the Configuration interface, a feature named Slot01 will appear in the Features section under the left-side Part01 tab.

    The first created circle feature is named Slot01 by default. You can change the feature name as needed. For information on how to modify the feature name, see the Create a Circle Feature section of this topic.

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