Create an Annotation for the Feature

You need to follow the steps below to create and configure an annotation for the feature.

An annotation displays data such as nominal values, measured values, and deviations for each sub-item of the measurement item (e.g., X, Y, and Z for a circle measurement item) in a table.
  1. In the Configuration interface, select a feature in the left-side resource tree of the current part.

  2. In the upper-part ribbon of the Configuration interface, select Annotation and click Create Annotation.

    You can also find the feature in the resource tree on the left, right-click the feature, and then click Create Annotation.

  3. After you create an annotation for the current feature, you can follow the steps below to configure the annotation:

    1. In the 3D view, locate and double-click the annotation of the current feature.

    2. In the pop-up dialog box, select the measurement data and measurement items to display on the annotation, and then click Apply.

Other annotation related operations:

  • Show and hide annotations

    • Hide the annotation

      Move the mouse cursor to the 3D view, press and hold the left mouse button, and move the mouse to rotate the part view. If the feature of the current annotation rotates to the back, the annotation will be hidden.

    • Show the annotation

      Press and hold the left mouse button, then move the mouse to rotate the part view until the feature of the current annotation is rotated to the front. The annotation will then be displayed.

  • Manage custom part views

    • Create a custom view

      1. Move the mouse cursor to the 3D view, press and hold the left mouse button, and move the mouse to rotate the current part view to a desired position.

      2. Click the create view button in the upper-right corner of the 3D view, and then select New Custom View of Part.

      3. In the pop-up dialog box, enter a custom view name and click OK. The created custom view will be displayed below create view.

        After you click New Custom View of Part, the software automatically captures the current part view. As such, Configured will be displayed next to Capture view. This means you do not need to click Create a snapshot of the current view to create a custom part view.

        If you click Create a snapshot of the current view, Re-configured will be displayed next to Capture view. This indicates that the view snapshot has been recaptured.

    • Modify the name of a custom view

      1. Click the manage view icon next to the created custom view.

      2. In the pop-up dialog box, edit the custom view name and click OK.

    • Delete a custom view

      • Locate the custom view you want to delete under the create view button and click the delete view button next to it.

      • If you have created custom views but none are displayed under the create view button, click the create view button to display all created custom views below this button.

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