Use Best Fit Alignment

To use Best Fit Alignment, follow one of the methods below:

Method 1

  1. In the upper-part ribbon of the Configuration interface, select Alignment  Best Fit Alignment.

  2. In the pop-up dialog box, click + next to Features in use and add features as needed.

    You can select all features of reference fixture spheres.

  3. After you add the features, select measurement items of the added features in the table below Features in use.

  4. Click OK.

    Since there is no measurement data at this point, you do not need to click Calculate. Once you obtain all the measurement data for the selected features, you can return to this dialog box and then click Calculate.

    How to determine whether the calculation result is valid?

    Obtain the measured values for a feature, and then check the deviation values for that feature on the annotation. If the deviation values are not highlighted in red, it indicates that the reference frame establishment is valid.

Method 2

  1. In the left-side resource tree of the current part, hold the Ctrl key and click to select multiple features, then choose New Alignment  Best Fit Alignment.

    You can select all features of reference fixture spheres.

  2. In the feature table below Features in use, select measurement items of the features.

  3. Click OK.

    Since there is no measurement data at this point, you do not need to click Calculate. Once you obtain all the measurement data for the selected features, you can return to this dialog box and then click Calculate.

    How to determine whether the calculation result is valid?

    Obtain the measured values for a feature, and then check the deviation values for that feature on the annotation. If the deviation values are not highlighted in red, it indicates that the reference frame establishment is valid.

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