Create a Geometric Measurement

Mech-Metrics supports geometric measurements such as distance measurements and angle measurements. This document describes how to create a distance or angle measurement. This document describes an optional step. If you do not need to create a distance measurement or angle measurement, skip this document.

  • The software supports three types of feature attributes for measurement:

    • Point, also referred to as the center or origin.

    • Line, also referred to as the orientation or normal.

    • Surface, also referred to as the plane.

  • In this software, geometric measurements include distance and angle measurements.

  • Distance measurement is used to measure the distance between two features. Specifically, distance measurement can be used to measure point-to-point, point-to-line, point-to-plane, line-to-line, line-to-plane, and plane-to-plane distances between two features. For example, you can select two circle features and choose the center for these two circles to measure the distance between their centers.

  • Angle measurement is used to measure the angle between two features. Specifically, angle measurements can be used to measure the line-to-line, line-to-plane, and plane-to-plane angles between two features. For example, you can select two circle features and choose the orientation for these two circles to measure the angle between their normals.

Create a Distance Measurement

  1. In the upper-part ribbon of the Mech-Metrics Configuration interface, select Geometric Measurement > Distance.

  2. In the Configuration interface, a distance named Distance01 will appear in the Geometric Measurements section under the left-side Part01 tab.

    By default, the first created distance is named Distance01. You can change the name as needed. The method for renaming geometric measurements is the same as for renaming features. For more information, see Create a Feature. This will not be repeated here.
  3. Click Distance01. In the right parameter panel of Distance01, in the Feature section, find the Target drop-down lists, select a feature and a measurement item for that feature, then click Select.

    • You can also select features in the 3D view. To do so, move the mouse cursor over the desired feature, then hold the Ctrl key and click.

  4. In the Feature section, find the Reference drop-down lists, select a feature and a measurement item for that feature, then click Select.

  5. The nominal distance between the selected measurement items for the two features will be automatically calculated by the software and displayed in the Nominal section. The measured distance will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Measured section after the corresponding Mech-Vision project for the features runs.

    You can adjust the display of Distance01's nominal value. To do this, drag the Plane Rotation slider in the Nominal Visualization section of Distance01 in the right-side parameter panel. After you drag the slider, the display of the nominal value in the 3D view will change. You can repeatedly drag the slider until you find a suitable display.

  6. Configure tolerance settings for Distance01.

    • The method for setting the tolerances was described earlier and will not be repeated here. For more information, see Configure Measurement Settings and Tolerances for the Feature.

    • If you have previously choose to apply tolerance settings to all measurement items of the current part, this measurement item will use the tolerance settings set earlier. In this case, you do not need to configure tolerance settings for this measurement item.

Create an Angle Measurement

  1. In the upper-part ribbon of the Mech-Metrics Configuration interface, select Geometric Measurement > Distance.

  2. In the Configuration interface, a angle named Angle01 will appear in the Geometric Measurements section under the left-side Part01 tab.

    By default, the first created distance is named Angle01. You can change the name as needed. The method for renaming geometric measurements is the same as for renaming features. For more information, see Create a Feature. This will not be repeated here.
  3. Click Angle01. In the right parameter panel of Angle01, in the Feature section, find the Target drop-down lists, select a feature and a measurement item for that feature, then click Select.

    • You can also select features in the 3D view. To do so, move the mouse cursor over the desired feature, then hold the Ctrl key and click.

  4. In the Feature section, find the Reference drop-down lists, select a feature and a measurement item for that feature, then click Select.

  5. The nominal angle between the selected measurement items for the two features will be automatically calculated by the software and displayed in the Nominal section. The measured angle will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Measured section after the corresponding Mech-Vision project for the features runs.

  6. Set the tolerance settings for Angle01.

    • The method for setting the tolerances was described earlier and will not be repeated here. For more information, see Configure Measurement Settings and Tolerances for the Feature.

    • If you have previously choose to apply tolerance settings to all measurement items of the current part, this measurement item will use the tolerance settings set earlier. In this case, you do not need to configure tolerance settings for this measurement item.

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