Use Production Interface

Mech-Metrics provides two interfaces: the Configuration interface and the Production interface. The Configuration interface is used to configure various measurement parameters, while the Production interface is used to view real-time and historical measurement data. Administrator accounts have access to both the Configuration and Production interfaces, while the operator accounts only has access to the Production interface. This document describes how to use an operator account to view the Production interface.

View Measurement Results

You can view measurement results in the Measurement Results table on the left side of the Production interface.

  • View measured values and measurement results

In the Measurement Results table on the left side of the Production interface, you can view the specific measured values and results (OK or NG) for each measurement item of the current part.

If the value of a sub-item is displayed as …​ and you want to view the value, hover the mouse cursor over the right border of the measurement results table and drag it to the right to widen the table until the values are displayed properly.

  • Filter NG results

In the Measurement Results table on the left side of the Production interface, select NG from the upper-right drop-down list. All NG measurement items will be displayed.

In the Production interface, view data trends of measurement items in the Trend Charts section and choose whether to enable the Sync feature.

  • View the trends of measured values in real-time mode as the measurement times change

    1. In the Measurement Results table on the left side of the Production interface, click a measurement item.

    2. In the Trend Charts in the middle of the Production interface, the trend chart for each sub-item of the current measurement item will be displayed. You can click each sub-item’s tab to view the measured values for the last 50 to 200 measurements and the data trends.

      At this point, the Sync button in Trend Charts is in the off state, indicating that the Production interface is in real-time mode.

  • Enable historical mode and view the trends of measured values in historical mode as the measurement times change

    1. In the Measurement Results table on the left side of the Production interface, click a measurement item.

    2. In the Trend Charts in the middle of the Production interface, the trend chart for each sub-item of the current measurement item will be displayed. Click the Sync button to switch to the History mode.

    3. In the Trend Charts, click the tab for each sub-item to view the measured values, data trends, and other information (such as the status of the associated measurement item, the status of the associated part, the part ID, etc.) for each measurement time.

Export Reports

You can export a report in the 3D view in the middle of the Production interface for future use.

  1. In the 3D view in the middle of the Production interface, click Export Report in the top-right corner and choose the report format for export.

  2. In the Select Path dialog box, choose a folder as the export location, name the exported file, and then click Save.

  • The Export Report button in the Production interface will export the measurement data for the current measurement task of the current part.

  • The Export Report button in the Historical Data page will export the measurement data for all measurement tasks of the selected part within the selected time period.

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