Example Program 13: MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance

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Program Introduction


After the Mech-Vision project is triggered to run, the robot moves in advance after the camera finishes capturing images without waiting for the Mech-Vision project to stop running. This example program is applicable to scenarios where the camera mounting method is eye in hand.

File path

You can navigate to the installation directory of Mech-Vision and Mech-Viz and find the file by using the Communication Component/Robot_Interface/YASKAWA/sample/MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance path.


Mech-Vision project (the camera mounting method is eye in hand)


This example program is provided for reference only. Before using the program, please modify the program according to the actual scenario.

Program Description

This part describes the MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance example program.

The only difference between the MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance example program and the MM_S1_Vis_Basic example program is that MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance can move the robot after the camera captures images (this code of this feature is bolded). As such, only the feature of moving the robot after the camera captures images is described in the following part. For information about the parts of MM_S13_Vis_MoveInAdvance that are consistent with those of MM_S1_Vis_Basic, see Example Program 1: MM_S1_Vis_Basic.
'FUNCTION: trigger Mech-Vision
'project then move to wait
'position and get vision pose in
'EIH setup
'Mech-Mind, 2023-12-25
'clear I50 to I69
CLEAR I050 20
'initialize p variables
SUB P070 P070
SUB P071 P071
'set 100mm to z of P070
SETE P070 (3) 100000
'move to robot home position
MOVJ C00000 VJ=50.00
'initialize communication
'parameters (initialization is
'required only once)
'move to image-capturing position
MOVJ C00001 VJ=50.00 PL=0
'open socket connection
'trigger NO.1 Mech-Vision project
'move to wait position for
MOVJ C00002 VJ=50.00
'get vision result from NO.1
'Mech-Vision project
'check whether vision result has
'been got from Mech-Vision
IFTHENEXP I052<>1100
	'add error handling logic here
	'according to different error
	'e.g.: I052=1003 means no point
	'cloud in ROI
	'e.g.: I052=1002 means no
	'vision result
'close socket connection
'save first vision point data to
'local variables
'move to intermediate waypoint of
MOVJ C00003 VJ=50.00
'move to approach waypoint of
MOVL P071 V=166.6 PL=0
'move to picking waypoint
MOVL P071 V=50.0 PL=0
'add object grasping logic here,
'such as DOUT OT#(1) ON
'move to departure waypoint of
MOVL P071 V=166.6 PL=0
'move to intermediate waypoint of
MOVJ C00004 VJ=50.00
'move to approach waypoint of
MOVL C00005 V=166.6 PL=0
'move to placing waypoint
MOVL C00006 V=50.0 PL=0
'add object releasing logic here,
'such as DOUT OT#(1) OFF
'move to departure waypoint of
MOVL C00007 V=166.6 PL=0
'move back to robot home position
MOVJ C00008 VJ=50.00

The workflow corresponding to the above example program code is shown in the figure below.


The table below describes the feature of moving the robot after the camera captures images. You can click the hyperlink to the command name to view its detailed description.

Feature Code and description

Move the robot after the camera captures images

In eye in hand scenarios, to ensure that the robot can move after the camera captures images without waiting for the Mech-Vision project to finish running, you can go to Robot Communication Configuration  Next  Advanced Settings in the top toolbar of Mech-Vision and select Return “1102: Successfully triggered” after the capture. Once this option is selected, the robot will start to move after it runs the MM_START_VIS and receives “1102: Successfully triggered”, thus reducing the cycle time.

If the option is not selected and the Mech-Vision project is started successfully, the vision system will return status code 1102 to the robot immediately. The robot cannot move at this point because the robot cannot determine whether the camera has finished capturing images. In this case, the robot has to wait for the Mech-Vision project to finish before moving.

The 1102 status code returned by the vision system indicates the logical completion of the MM_START_VIS command. If the option is selected, the robot can start to move after the MM_START_VIS command is executed.
configure communication
'move to wait position for
MOVJ C00002 VJ=50.00

In the above code, C00002 indicates the waiting waypoint of picking. The robot moves to the waiting waypoint of picking after image capturing. This indicates that the Mech-Vision project can be run at the same time when the robot moves to shorten the cycle time.

  • You should teach the waiting waypoint of picking (C00002) in advance. For detailed instructions, see Teach Calibration Start Point in the calibration document.

  • Please note the difference between this example program and the MM_S1_Vis_Basic program. The MM_S1_Vis_Basic example program allows the robot to move only after the Mech-Vision project finishes running, while this example program allows the robot to move after the camera finishes capturing images.

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