Held Workobject Collision Detection Settings

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Do Not Check Collision with Scene Object/Robot

Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the held workobject with the scene objects or robot will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened. It is usually enabled in the first one or two move-type Steps after the robot picks the object.

Please enable this option cautiously as there may be collision risks.

When Detect collision between held workobject and others under Collision detection configuration  Configuration on held workobject is enabled, the software will detect whether the model of the held object collides with the models of the scene objects and the robot.

In palletizing projects, the calculated carton dimensions have millimeter-level errors with the actual dimensions, and frictions between cartons may occur during picking but no collisions will occur. For some move-type Steps that will obviously not cause collisions, detecting such collisions only adds to the calculation workload and planning time, and consequently extending the cycle time. In palletizing projects, enabling Do Not Check Collision with Scene Objects does not affect the collision detection between the held carton and the placed cartons. This option can be enabled when there are scene objects under the stack to avoid failure of finding the palletizing solution.

Do Not Check Collision with Point Cloud

Unselected by default. Once this option is selected, the collisions between the held workobject with the point clouds in the scene will not be detected, and therefore the calculation workload of collision detection will be reduced, the planning speed can be increased, and the cycle time can be shortened.

  • When both Detect collision between held workobject and others under Collision detection configuration  Configuration on held workobject and Configuration on point cloudDetect collision between point cloud and others are enabled, the software will detect whether the model of the held workobject will collide with the point cloud in the scene.

  • When Mech-Vision sends the point cloud and object model to Mech-Viz, the point cloud and the object model are fitted together. After the robot picks the object, the model moves along the planned path, and the collision between the model of the held workobject and the point cloud will occur.

  • It is known that the model of the held workobject will have false collisions with the point cloud. Detecting such collisions unnecessarily adds to the calculation workload and extends the planning time.

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