Special Configurations

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OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_FANUC_CRX_10IA_Like (there is a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5)



Configuration name



There is a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5

DH parameters


Reference frame and axis No.


Correlation between link and reference frame

0: Reference frame 0, 1

1: Reference frame 0, 1

2: Reference frame 2

3: Reference frame 3, 4

4: Reference frame 3, 4

5: Reference frame 5

6: Reference frame 6

Classification of axes

Wrist: 5, 6

Forearm: 3, 4

Upper arm: 2

Base: 0, 1

Robot model list


[robot]_algo example

	"algo_type": "OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_FANUC_CRX_10IA_Like",
	#DH parameters [meter]
	"dh": [ A, C, E, F, -L ],
	#joint limits [degree]
	"min_limits": [ J1 min, J2 min, J3 min, J4 min, J5 min, J6 min ],
	"max_limits": [ J1 max, J2 max, J3 max, J4 max, J5 max, J6 max ],
	#joint positions at standard pose [degree]
	"mastering_joints": [ J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 ],
	#joint orientations [0/1]
	"axis_flip": "J1J2J3J4J5J6",
	#robot base location [meter,meter,meter,degree,degree,degree]. If robot has not been moved, robot base frame equals to World frame.
	"robot_frame_in_robot_base_frame": [ x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ],
	#robot flange frame orientation [x/y/z]
	"flange_frame_orientation": "z"

OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_Rokae_SR4_Like (there is a positive X-direction offset (G) on the J2, and a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5)



Configuration name



There is a positive X-direction offset (G) on the J2, and a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5

DH parameters


Reference frame and axis No.


Correlation between link and reference frame

0: Reference frame 0, 1

1: Reference frame 0, 1

2: Reference frame 2

3: Reference frame 3

4: Reference frame 4

5: Reference frame 5

6: Reference frame 6

Classification of axes

Wrist: 5, 6

Forearm: 3, 4

Upper arm: 2

Base: 0, 1

Robot model list

Rokae SR3, SR4

[robot]_algo example

	"algo_type": "OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_ROKAE_SR4_Like",
	#DH parameters [meter]
	"dh": [ A, C, D, G, E, F, -L ],
	#joint limits [degree]
	"min_limits": [ J1 min, J2 min, J3 min, J4 min, J5 min, J6 min ],
	"max_limits": [ J1 max, J2 max, J3 max, J4 max, J5 max, J6 max ],
	#joint positions at standard pose [degree]
	"mastering_joints": [ J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 ],
	#joint orientations [0/1]
	"axis_flip": "J1J2J3J4J5J6",
	#robot base location [meter,meter,meter,degree,degree,degree]. If robot has not been moved, robot base frame equals to World frame.
	"robot_frame_in_robot_base_frame": [ x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ],
	#robot flange frame orientation [x/y/z]
	"flange_frame_orientation": "z"

OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_DENSO_COBOTTA_PRO_1300_Like (there is a negative Y-direction offset (H) on the J3, and a positive Y-direction offset (L) on the J5)



Configuration name



There is a negative Y-direction offset (H) on the J3, and a positive Y-direction offset (L) on the J5

DH parameters


Reference frame and axis No.


Correlation between link and reference frame

0: Reference frame 0, 1

1: Reference frame 0, 1

2: Reference frame 2

3: Reference frame 3, 4

4: Reference frame 3, 4

5: Reference frame 5

6: Reference frame 6

Classification of axes

Wrist: 5, 6

Forearm: 3, 4

Upper arm: 2

Base: 0, 1

Robot model list


[robot]_algo example

	"algo_type": "OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_DENSO_COBOTTA_PRO_1300_Like",
	#DH parameters [meter]
	"dh": [ A, C, E, F, -H, L ],
	#joint limits [degree]
	"min_limits": [ J1 min, J2 min, J3 min, J4 min, J5 min, J6 min ],
	"max_limits": [ J1 max, J2 max, J3 max, J4 max, J5 max, J6 max ],
	#joint positions at standard pose [degree]
	"mastering_joints": [ J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 ],
	#joint orientations [0/1]
	"axis_flip": "J1J2J3J4J5J6",
	#robot base location [meter,meter,meter,degree,degree,degree]. If robot has not been moved, robot base frame equals to World frame.
	"robot_frame_in_robot_base_frame": [ x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ],
	#robot flange frame orientation [x/y/z]
	"flange_frame_orientation": "z"

OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_DENSO_COBOTTA_Like (there are positive Y-direction and Z-direction offsets (H, D) on the J3, and a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5)



Configuration name



There are positive Y-direction and Z-direction offsets (H, D) on the J3, and a negative Y-direction offset (L) on the J5

DH parameters


Reference frame and axis No.


Correlation between link and reference frame

0: Reference frame 0, 1

1: Reference frame 0, 1

2: Reference frame 2

3: Reference frame 3, 4

4: Reference frame 3, 4

5: Reference frame 5

6: Reference frame 6

Classification of axes

Wrist: 5, 6

Forearm: 3, 4

Upper arm: 2

Base: 0, 1

Robot model list


[robot]_algo example

	"algo_type": "OffsetWrist_Y_SixAxis_DENSO_COBOTTA_Like",
	#DH parameters [meter]
	"dh": [ A, C, D, E, F, H, -L ],
	#joint limits [degree]
	"min_limits": [ J1 min, J2 min, J3 min, J4 min, J5 min, J6 min ],
	"max_limits": [ J1 max, J2 max, J3 max, J4 max, J5 max, J6 max ],
	#joint positions at standard pose [degree]
	"mastering_joints": [ J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 ],
	#joint orientations [0/1]
	"axis_flip": "J1J2J3J4J5J6",
	#robot base location [meter,meter,meter,degree,degree,degree]. If robot has not been moved, robot base frame equals to World frame.
	"robot_frame_in_robot_base_frame": [ x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ],
	#robot flange frame orientation [x/y/z]
	"flange_frame_orientation": "z"

OffsetWrist_Z_SixAxis_ABB_CRB15000_Like (there is a positive Z-direction offset (M) on the J5)



Configuration name



There is a positive Z-direction offset (M) on the J5

DH parameters


Reference frame and axis No.


Correlation between link and reference frame

0: Reference frame 0, 1

1: Reference frame 0, 1

2: Reference frame 2

3: Reference frame 3, 4

4: Reference frame 3, 4

5: Reference frame 5

6: Reference frame 6

Classification of axes

Wrist: 5, 6

Forearm: 3, 4

Upper arm: 2

Base: 0, 1

Robot model list

ABB CRB15000-5/0.95

[robot]_algo example

	"algo_type": "OffsetWrist_Z_SixAxis_ABB_CRB15000_5_0_95_Like",
	#DH parameters [meter]
	"dh": [ A, C, D, E, F, M ],
	#joint limits [degree]
	"min_limits": [ J1 min, J2 min, J3 min, J4 min, J5 min, J6 min ],
	"max_limits": [ J1 max, J2 max, J3 max, J4 max, J5 max, J6 max ],
	#joint positions at standard pose [degree]
	"mastering_joints": [ J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 ],
	#joint orientations [0/1]
	"axis_flip": "J1J2J3J4J5J6",
	#robot base location [meter,meter,meter,degree,degree,degree]. If robot has not been moved, robot base frame equals to World frame.
	"robot_frame_in_robot_base_frame": [ x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ],
	#robot flange frame orientation [x/y/z]
	"flange_frame_orientation": "z"

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