Update Held Workobject

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Update the pose or size of the held workobject via the vision service to avoid collisions.

The pose of the held workobject refers to the pose of the object from the time the robot picks it to the time it is put down.

Usage Scenario

This Step is usually used when the obtained object size or pose is inaccurate.

To avoid collisions, an accurate size and pose of the held workobject should be re-obtained, and you will need to re-select the collision model for the collision detection.

  • The collision model of the held workobject supports cuboids and cylinders that are picked vertically or horizontally.

  • This Step may interrupt the path planning of move-type Steps.


Update Approach

There are two Update Info Sources, i.e., Property Value and Vision Service.

Property Value

Please use this approach when there is no available size of the held workobject or the robot is not guided by the vision service. You can set a model of the object and the model will be attached to the end of the tool for collision detection.

Object Type

Cuboid, Vertical Cylinder, Horizontal Cylinder, and Disc.

Pose Needs Updating

Unselected by default, i.e., do not update the pose of the held workobject. Select to update the pose in TCP, and you can adjust the updated pose in Pose Update.

Size Needs Updating

Dimensions of the picked object. Unselected by default, i.e., do not update the dimensions of the held workobject. Select to update the dimensions of the held workobject, and you can adjust the updated dimensions in Size Update.

Disc Configuration File Path

Click icon_path to select the brake disc configuration file in JSON format. You can only adjust the size of the brake disc.

Vision Service

When the robot moves the object to a proper position, the camera can re-capture an image and the software can re-calculate the dimensions and pose in TCP of the held workobject.

Update Content

Pose Needs Updating

Selected by default, i.e., update the object pose in TCP to the project. Unselect to stop updating the pose of the held workobject.

Size Needs Updating

Selected by default, i.e., update the object dimensions to the project. Unselect to stop updating the dimensions of the held workobject.

Motion Pre-Plan

Pre Plan Out Port

To make the path planning process in the actual application continuous, the software will execute a pre-planning beforehand on the backend. Specifying a pre-plan exit port along which the project is most likely to proceed can reduce the probability of re-planning and the wait time of the robot.

  • 0: Take the No need to update exit port when the deviation from the original vision result is below the Updating Threshold.

  • 1: Take the Update exit port when the deviation from the original vision result is above the Updating Threshold.

  • 2: Take the Exception exit port when an error of the vision service occurs.

Updating Threshold

Needs Accuracy Check

Select by default. You can adjust the Size Threshold, Translation Threshold and Rotation Threshold to specify the Updating Threshold. Unselect this parameter and no updating threshold can be set.

Usage Example

You can use this Step in conjunction with Classify and Mixed Case Palletizing.

To use in conjunction with Classify, please select the Get Label from “Update Held Workobject” in Step parameters panel.

To use in conjunction with Mixed Case Palletizing, please select Capture Twice to Update Carton Size under Pallet Type  Place By Drop in Step parameters panel of the Mixed Case Palletizing Step. The fixed usage is shown in the figure below.

mixed pattern photo again

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